Thursday, March 24, 2011

Angela Anderson Photography LEXINGTON STUDIO

Happy Thursday!!

I wanted to let everyone in on some fabulous news.
So, in my spare time (which is very small these days), I am an assistant for Angela Anderson! If you haven't heard (or you have been living under a rock), she is an absolutly amazzzing photographer!

Here are some of my favorites!
ALSO adorable "babies" photos (Feather Whimsy is by Amy Campbell-sister studio to AAP)

Alice In Wonderland & baby in the LV!
How stinkin' cute!! Absolutly adorable!

Anyhow, she is opening a studio in LEXINGTON!!!
Yay! Soooo excited for her!

Here are the details for the opening!!

903 Manchester St Ste 180 (near Buster's)

pm Thursday, March 31st

6pm - Feather Whimsy Family Hour
7pm - Angela Anderson Weddings Hour
8pm - Dreaming in the Dark Party Hour

Feel free to come to the hour that suits you best or come and stay as long as you like!
There will be drinks, snacks, music and lots of great giveaways!
RSVP through Facebook Event, Evite or call the Louisville studio at 502-432-8333

{AAP is keeping it's Louisville location on East Washington in Butchertown! This is a second, new location located in the burgeoning Art district in Lexington!}

Unfortunately...I will be in Phoenix for Liberty Mutual training all next week so I won't be able to make it.
But make sure you stop by the studio!! I promise it is just as fabulous as the Louisville studio!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

current obession

Current Obession-HOT Poweryoga
Try it out! Sunday is a great day to go and a great way to start off an insane work week!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


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