The boyfriend and I decided we needed a weekend out of Lexington. So we decided to head to Washington DC. We both had been to DC multiple times when we were younger. It had actually been close to 10 years since either of us had been. So we decided to head to the city and explore as adults! And I am so glad we did!
We brought our brand new rides to DC to give us a quick, convient, and healthy way to explore.
It was so much fun to bike all day around DC and Georgetown.

DC Nightlife is interesting. If you know anything about DC, you know, most people don't live in DC. They live in Virginia or Maryland and commute to the city. Actually found one of the best restuartants was actually connected to our hotel. We stay at the corner of F&7thNW street, just a two short blocks from the Mall.

What I found quite intersting is how many people, friends around Lexington. Had never been to Washington DC. I mean, reallllly? Don't you think it's important to witness where the decision that affect your future are made?? Where 30%+ of your paycheck is going? I mean really?
Get it together people and go visit the capitol of our country as an adult. It really will open your eyes!